Thursday, January 8, 2009

With more thought....

Everyone's probably getting really tired about me deciding where to move to well, that's life :P
I've narrowed down my choices... Portland/ Chicago, Montreal, Paris/Lyon, Amsterdam, Stockholm/Göteborg. They all sound like amazing and crazy cities, so that's why I want to move to one of them.

My heart tells me different things, one second I want to go there, the next nowhere. I have to consider a lot of things, since I pretty much plan on staying in that city (or close to it) for a while. Let's take Paris as an example, it seems like a cool city, I've heard a lot about it in movies and such, looks beautiful, sure it would be fun to live there for a few months, but what about studying there or paying for uni? Or living there for a few years?
If I do decide to move to Europe or Canada I would be an immigrant, not an exchange student again. How easy would I be able to assimilate? Would I feel at home after years of living there? If Obama doesn't fix up the US, do I still want to live here?

I have to consider this too, would it be better to live in a place where I feel I belong socially, but not culturally? (if that made sense :P) Like I like the social systems of Europe and Canada (healthcare, education, human rights, laid-back laws, public transportation etc), but I feel like I belong more to the culture of the US (would be able to understand certain jokes, no language barrier, no cultual differences (which are fun, but sometimes hard), holidays, being able to understand certain issues in the US)

All this is making me confused, wish I could see in the future and see what would be best for me.

At least if I go to one of the cities in Europe I would know people who can help me/each other along the way. I really do miss Europe, but I just can't stop thinking how easier it would be just staying in the US or going to Canada.

How does one even start the process of moving to another country? If I go to Portland or Chicago, I could just move. But if I go to Canada or Europe, I need a visa, get a job before, and have to move all my junk too :P Does anyone know any useful information?

Please counsel me so I can finally decide and you won't have to listen to me anymore :P
Aww my head hurts.


Anonymous said...

You dont't have to decide right now which country you wanna live in for the rest of your life! Can't you just start with figuring out what you are gonna do this next semester and go from there?

Gatito said...

Mmm, i guess you're right. But I don't think I'd want to move again after getting my life started there (making friends, job, etc). If I do like the city, I would probably stay there for uni. Who knows, we'll see what happens...
I think too much :P