Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sick of it

I'm really getting sick of my town and everthing about it.
It's been pretty much been snowing nonstop, it's so cold and there's so much snow on the ground you barely want to step outside. I wouldn't even leave the house for free chocolate, yes that's how bad it is. Last year, I really missed the snow, but now hell no! I hate it even more since I'm driving and driving in the snow is hard and scary, plus you have to clean all that snow and ice on your car, not fun!
I'm starting to feel normal here. The people here are so blah, boring and normal here, the only thing most people know how to talk about is 'the game on Sunday'. Yeah, I'm sure each town/city has their own share of these people, but I'm pretty sure that Lancaster a much larger share than most places. I don't feel like being wierd anymore, I need some drugs or something to keep my insanity =P You know what, I haven't even been as chocolate obsessed, that must say something, a wake-up-call or something...
Nothing exciting happens here! Well pretty much nothing at all. Everytime I turn on the news it's either about the crappy weather or about someone getting shot in Buffalo, that's all. How about something happy for a change, like a new building being built or some kind of charity work? Oh wait, nothing happens here...
WNY is too strict and uptight for me. Why the hell do I need to ask a 100 year old man for identification when he buys beer!? Clearly he's over 21... Yeah, supposedly asking everyone for ID reduces underage drinking (huh?). Well if you don't want to have underage drinking don't have such stupid drinking laws, people under 21 are going to find away to drink anyway be it by going to Canada or Mexico or getting someone older to get alcohol for them.
Then there are ton of people here who think badly about someone just because they're different or the kind of people who kill people fighting at a store over some toy during Christmas- chill out!

Ok, I'm done complaining, well not really =P

This is about people in general.
At work, we are to ask every customer if they are willing to donate $2,$3, or $5 to help hungry families in the area. There is a chance of them winning $1000 in groceries. Can you believe how many people say no? If there weren't a prize I doubt there would be many people donating money. There are hungry people out there, but it's ok, because you're fat-ass family is content after spending $200 on food. Some people are really nice though and don't mind at all donating some money. But there are some who are so rude. One of my fellow workers told me the other day that a customer said to her 'Why should I donate anything? These people should learn how to work for their food' Well if these people are hungry then your taxes will probably be increased by the government to pay for their welfare checks. If everyone helped at least a little bit then this country would be a better place. Fucking greedy people.

OK, now I'm done!


Anonymous said...

jo, jag förstår ju hur det verkar när du står i den där affären varje dag. jag tror dock att de flesta människor är villiga och hjälpa andra egentligen. dock är det nog lätt hänt när man är stressad och vill hem att man inte orkar lyssna på hur man kan hjälpa andra. själv skulle jag nog också vara skeptisk till en insamling i en mataffär om det inte var genom någon organisation som jag kände till.

Så folk kan inte köpa alkohol förrän de är 21?

Anonymous said...

Suggestion for a better world: The hungry people eat the greedy people.

Gatito said...

Ingrid- Håller med. Nej, inte alls, inte i affärer, inte på krogar, ingenstans, det är en jättedum lag.

Tim- Det vore bra särskilt att det finns många tjocka personer så de kan bli mätta :P