Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sick of it

I'm really getting sick of my town and everthing about it.
It's been pretty much been snowing nonstop, it's so cold and there's so much snow on the ground you barely want to step outside. I wouldn't even leave the house for free chocolate, yes that's how bad it is. Last year, I really missed the snow, but now hell no! I hate it even more since I'm driving and driving in the snow is hard and scary, plus you have to clean all that snow and ice on your car, not fun!
I'm starting to feel normal here. The people here are so blah, boring and normal here, the only thing most people know how to talk about is 'the game on Sunday'. Yeah, I'm sure each town/city has their own share of these people, but I'm pretty sure that Lancaster a much larger share than most places. I don't feel like being wierd anymore, I need some drugs or something to keep my insanity =P You know what, I haven't even been as chocolate obsessed, that must say something, a wake-up-call or something...
Nothing exciting happens here! Well pretty much nothing at all. Everytime I turn on the news it's either about the crappy weather or about someone getting shot in Buffalo, that's all. How about something happy for a change, like a new building being built or some kind of charity work? Oh wait, nothing happens here...
WNY is too strict and uptight for me. Why the hell do I need to ask a 100 year old man for identification when he buys beer!? Clearly he's over 21... Yeah, supposedly asking everyone for ID reduces underage drinking (huh?). Well if you don't want to have underage drinking don't have such stupid drinking laws, people under 21 are going to find away to drink anyway be it by going to Canada or Mexico or getting someone older to get alcohol for them.
Then there are ton of people here who think badly about someone just because they're different or the kind of people who kill people fighting at a store over some toy during Christmas- chill out!

Ok, I'm done complaining, well not really =P

This is about people in general.
At work, we are to ask every customer if they are willing to donate $2,$3, or $5 to help hungry families in the area. There is a chance of them winning $1000 in groceries. Can you believe how many people say no? If there weren't a prize I doubt there would be many people donating money. There are hungry people out there, but it's ok, because you're fat-ass family is content after spending $200 on food. Some people are really nice though and don't mind at all donating some money. But there are some who are so rude. One of my fellow workers told me the other day that a customer said to her 'Why should I donate anything? These people should learn how to work for their food' Well if these people are hungry then your taxes will probably be increased by the government to pay for their welfare checks. If everyone helped at least a little bit then this country would be a better place. Fucking greedy people.

OK, now I'm done!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My advice

Yesterday I had to work 6.30pm-12.30am (18.30-00.30). No one comes in the store after 10.00 so I was bored. I decided to read some of the many celebrity gossip magazines. One article caught my eye on my boyfriend, Robert Pattinson (Edward from Twilight, Cedric from Harry Potter 4). The article was talking about how this London hottie can't get any girls because they don't want to go out with him and he doesn't have much self-confidence when it comes to girls. His co-workers say that he's a very nice and sweet guy, so why does he have girl problems? Do you know what my advice to him is? Try guys =P If he has problems with girls maybe he's attracted to guys and doesn't know due to the fact that if actors/actresses come out their fans wouldn't be happy. I would go with him, he seems nice, he's funny (saw him on a talk show), hot, he has a sexy accent, and he's rich. So....

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Homosexuality in the media.

This is something I've been thinking about. You rarely see anything dealing with gays or with anyone else in the LGBT community on TV or in the movies. What I mean by that is, you won't have a main character who's gay/lesbian/bi/transexual or even the main character's friend without it being a gay movie. Why can't one of the girls in Heroes be a lesbian? Or the main guy in an action movie be gay? Another thing is commercials. You see those commericals when a girl tries a new shampoo and she gets all the guys, well why can't see get all the girls instead =P Or the other type of commerical when a guy has a problem with his health and then there's an advertisement for some medicine (then they name all the side-affects that are probably more dangerous than the disease itself) and they show him happy with his wife/girlfriend. So, what I'm asking, when are we going to see the opposite? Back in the day you would rarely see Blacks or Asians in the media, now it's not like that at all. Then they started putting phycially handicapped children in children's books and shows to get children to see they're humans too. How long does the LGBT community have to wait?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Prayers For Bobby

Ok there was a new movie that just finished on tv. It was called Prayers for Bobby. It's a true story that takes place in the 1970/80's It's about a boy who's gay and his strict Christian family *coughs* his mother who doesn't approve of it at all. She tries to 'cure' him and says all this stuff. He jumps off a bridge and kill himself. The mother grieves and looks up all this stuff on homosexuality. She then becomes a gay rights activist and the movie ended with her and her family in a gay and lesbian pride parade in San Francisco. It was a really sad movie and good, I just wished it was longer! My mom ended up watching it in her room; I wonder if she suspects something...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have a cold right now. In the past five months I've gotten sick 3 times, in the 10 months I was in Sweden I only got sick once. Strange :S
With all the technological, medical, and scientific advancements we have made as human, you would think we would have a cure for the common cold, right? We can put man in space, perform open-heart surgery, and reconstruct a person's face, but we can't stop coughing and running noses?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Yes, I'm going back. I'm leaving my city on February 18th, first to DC, then to Brussels and then finally to Stockholm (I'll be arriving in Stockholm on the 19th). I'm going to spend two days in Stockholm and then go to Linköping on the 21st and then I'll be there until March third (Stockholm-Frankfurt-Chicago-Buffalo). If anyone wants to hang out with Stockholm, that will be fun and that way I won't get lost :P

I think I should have waited until the summer when everyone's not busy with school and stuff, but I think it would be nice to be back. I'm really looking forward to it, speaking Swedish, seeing everyone again, eating Swedish stuff. But it'll be weird since some of my friends won't be there and neither will the other exchange students, but it will still be fun!

So, I guess about one more month till I'm back in Sweden!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The worst book I've ever read

Is The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

I bought this book a few weeks ago, I read the back and it sounded interesting.
-A man and his son who try to survive in a dystopia. Something happened and the world is now crazy and rotten. They're always hungry and cannibals are on the loose. They start up north and make their way down south-
The book got good reviews and the cashier said it was good, so I was like 'ok! can't wait to read it!
The book was really depressing, seriously it makes you want to kill yourself and you wish the characters were dead. You don't know anything about the man or the son (they don't even have names), what happened, why they're going south, nothing! The same stuff happens over and over again- they're hungry, they find food, the dad kills someone, that's it. Here the only dialogue in the book
I'm hungry
I know
I'm cold
I know
Are we going to die
I don't know

Imagine reading that for 300 pages...
In fact, they don't use question marks and one sentence, the author writes don't and the next dont. I was like 'is this guy French or what?'

The story was so bad, I didn't finish the book , that never happens, I always finish a book. I skipped to the end and found out what happened and thought 'ok...'

I highly regret buying his book and don't recommend reading it.

With more thought....

Everyone's probably getting really tired about me deciding where to move to well, that's life :P
I've narrowed down my choices... Portland/ Chicago, Montreal, Paris/Lyon, Amsterdam, Stockholm/Göteborg. They all sound like amazing and crazy cities, so that's why I want to move to one of them.

My heart tells me different things, one second I want to go there, the next nowhere. I have to consider a lot of things, since I pretty much plan on staying in that city (or close to it) for a while. Let's take Paris as an example, it seems like a cool city, I've heard a lot about it in movies and such, looks beautiful, sure it would be fun to live there for a few months, but what about studying there or paying for uni? Or living there for a few years?
If I do decide to move to Europe or Canada I would be an immigrant, not an exchange student again. How easy would I be able to assimilate? Would I feel at home after years of living there? If Obama doesn't fix up the US, do I still want to live here?

I have to consider this too, would it be better to live in a place where I feel I belong socially, but not culturally? (if that made sense :P) Like I like the social systems of Europe and Canada (healthcare, education, human rights, laid-back laws, public transportation etc), but I feel like I belong more to the culture of the US (would be able to understand certain jokes, no language barrier, no cultual differences (which are fun, but sometimes hard), holidays, being able to understand certain issues in the US)

All this is making me confused, wish I could see in the future and see what would be best for me.

At least if I go to one of the cities in Europe I would know people who can help me/each other along the way. I really do miss Europe, but I just can't stop thinking how easier it would be just staying in the US or going to Canada.

How does one even start the process of moving to another country? If I go to Portland or Chicago, I could just move. But if I go to Canada or Europe, I need a visa, get a job before, and have to move all my junk too :P Does anyone know any useful information?

Please counsel me so I can finally decide and you won't have to listen to me anymore :P
Aww my head hurts.

Nederland or Deutsch?

I don't have school anymore (my French course ended last semester) and now I'm starting to feel lazy and stupid. So, I was thinking, hmm what about learning a new language? I've always wanted to learn Dutch and German, I tried in the past, but was too busy with school and stuff. But which should I start learning first?

-Dutch is easier, but not as useful as German
- If I don't go to France, then I would probably go to the Netherlands so obviously Dutch would be useful.
- Even though Dutch grammar is easier, there are more resources for German
- Dutch people are the coolest, so speaking to them in their own language would give me some motivation :P

I need to get my French better too. I feel that I know all or most of the grammar, but have problems with speaking and actually using the grammar in sentences. I need a really good grammar book.