Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 months

It's been two months since I've been home. I know some people are pretty tired of me talking about Sweden, but it was such a huge and important part of my life, only other exchange students can understand this. It hurts to think that the same time last year I was there. It's not easy being home again, any exchange student can tell you this.

It hurts, some time it's easy and sometimes it's so hard, like right now. I don't want to forget, I can't forget. I miss Sweden, I miss everyone I met there. It hurts that I haven't really talked to most of the people since I left, some I've talked to quite a lot. A lot were on holiday and were being back home again, some have been busy with school. Today, I looked at a message from a friend there, I realized I haven't heard from her since July, I started crying. Sometimes, it feels like it never happened, like it was a dream or something. I really miss everyone, I want to talk to them more often, with people who are feeling the same as I am. I can't talk with anyone here, they think it was like just a vacation...

I really think I should read my journal from when I was there, I think it would be good for me, though it will hurt...

I love LGBT people

We're just so wonderful, cool, lovely, nice, and open-minded. Love you all!

She's transexual so what?

Ok, so the 11th cycle of America's Next Top Model just started. I'm really excited about it. It seems like it will be a great cycle, some of the girls are really cool. In this cycle, there's a transexual girl, well (male to female, pre-op). She is fierce, she knows how to work it, those other mean, bigot bitchies are jealous. People complain about her being a male, she looks like a female and she feels like she's a female so I guess she is. If she walked by me, I would never have guessed she was a guy.

I thought she was going to use her transexuality to get her on Top Model, but that is so not the case, she's really passionate about. Go Isis! Yeah, she has a cool name too.

My other favourites:

Sheena: She's half Korean, half Japanese. She's so ghetto! If you talked to her on the phone, you would think she's one of those ghetto people. I loved when she was talking ghetto like and Ms Jay said something in Japanese/Korean and she said something back, so calm like. Hehe ^^

Josyln: a black girl from the South, she seems like a fun person

Marjorie: an immigrant from France, she's so cute! She does cool poses

Elina: A lesbian or maybe she's bi. She's so fierce. I love her opinions on certain stuff. She wears black and only pants because she doesn't believe in following traditional gender roles.

I'm thinking about writing a book

Well, it's a gay love story. So far, the plot is two guys who come from conservative families, one isn't out to his family and the other (from the South, from a really religious family) lies to himself and says he's straight. I want to include a cool lesbian character ;) I need some more ideas on developing the story; I want an interesting/tragic ending. So, give me some.

Hmm, I've just thought of a new one. A bisexual guy (or it could be a girl) who loves both a boy and a girl and can't decide who he/she loves more.