Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 months

It's been two months since I've been home. I know some people are pretty tired of me talking about Sweden, but it was such a huge and important part of my life, only other exchange students can understand this. It hurts to think that the same time last year I was there. It's not easy being home again, any exchange student can tell you this.

It hurts, some time it's easy and sometimes it's so hard, like right now. I don't want to forget, I can't forget. I miss Sweden, I miss everyone I met there. It hurts that I haven't really talked to most of the people since I left, some I've talked to quite a lot. A lot were on holiday and were being back home again, some have been busy with school. Today, I looked at a message from a friend there, I realized I haven't heard from her since July, I started crying. Sometimes, it feels like it never happened, like it was a dream or something. I really miss everyone, I want to talk to them more often, with people who are feeling the same as I am. I can't talk with anyone here, they think it was like just a vacation...

I really think I should read my journal from when I was there, I think it would be good for me, though it will hurt...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hej Will!! Vi saknar dig också, mycket. du är alltid välkommen tillbaka, fast på sätt och vis är du fortfarande här. i våra tankar i alla fall..

Anonymous said...

HEJWILL! Jag tycker inte om katter!