Sunday, May 10, 2009

Finally moving

So, I'm finally moving after several months debating where I wanted to go. I'm going to Melbourne, Australia on June 6th. I am really excited and looking forward to it. I really need to move on and go to a place where things happen and there's culture and excitement.
Of course, I am scared. Unlike exchange, I'll be living on my own, no family to go live with and no school. I'll be working and having my own place. Those two things seem pretty daunting to me, since I'll have to pay my own bills and such and then being in a different country and city tops the cake. But all that is part of the adventure. The first week or so will be hard while I look for a job, a place to live, get to know the city and get my life started there. I think it'll be best to get a roomate/s. That way I'll have someone to talk to and help me when I get lost (which is going to happen A LOT :P)
I am sad about leaving my family, friends and pets again, I know I'm going to miss them since I've learned to appreciate them more after being gone for so long, but everything will turn out just fine in the end.
I'm really looking forward to going (but not the 25 hours it's going to take to travel there!) and I'm sure I'll have a good time.


Tim said...

I heard there's a lot of both 'roos and mates in Australia.

Foxears said...

Lycka till Will!
Jag saknar dig här :(
Hur länge ska du vara i Australien har du tänkt? Eller är det inte bestämt?
Om jag någon gång får för mig att åka till Australien så mailar jag dig och så får jag bo hos dig, eller hur?

Gatito said...

T: I really want to see a roo! and I hope those mates are cute :P

M: Aw jag saknar dig också! Jag kan vara där i ett år så vi ska se hur länge. Klart du kan bo hos mig ^^