Sunday, March 15, 2009


Ok, so I have a few social topics and two random topics to complain about today. Ready?

Boys wear blue, girls wear pink. Why? Why is it like that? Today at work a little boy asked for a pink balloon, but his mom said 'why do you want a pink balloon? Pink is a girl color' Not really, it's just a color, it's just society who have it in their minds that colors belong to a certain gender. I think I'm going to have a son and make him wear pink just to piss people off.

We all know that it's illegal or taboo to discrimate people based on sex, skin color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion, etc. But what about age? Pretty much everyone I know has, I'm guilty too, said something bad about old people 'I don't want to talk to him, he's an old man!' Or, when they're walking behind an old person who's walking slow, people will say 'move grandma!' You never hear anyone say 'Move n*gger!' Being old is something you can help and is noticeable like all the other stuff I mentioned, so isn't discriminating against them the same thing?

Censorship is something that really annoys me. In US there's censorship all over the media, but hardly ever in Europe. Sex scenes are covered up/shortened, swear words are beaped out, and body parts are covered. I've watched some of the same stuff in Europe and saw/heard the real stuff, they even show boobs on commerials. Why? We already know what's being said/shown and boobs/butts/penises, they're just body parts aren't they?

So, I was in line at a store and saw one of those magazines that always have captions on the front page that say 'have great sex with your man!' and stuff like that. I've seen covers of gay/lesbian magazines and never seen stuff like that. My theory is that since a guy/girl know someone of the same sex's body so they don't need magazines to tell them to have good sex :P

I just finished watching the premier of a new show. It seems pretty interesting. It's called kings, it's about a king and his kingdom and people and stuff, but it takes place in the modern world. In other words, imagine today's US, France, UK but ruled by an absolute monarchy. Hmm. Anyway, the fictional country's at war and there's a soldier who saved the king's son who was a hostage and the soldier gets famous and the king eventually uses him. The soldier and the king's son are hooooot. The soldier so was looking at the prince like 'I want that bitch'. I think they should have sex. There needs to be more random gay characters in tv shows and in books. Just think 'he put a gun to the guy's head and then they had sex' Now wouldn't that be a good book? :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If age discrimination is still legal in Europe, then there's at least discussions about banning it. (Might be just in Sweden or some other country, but I know that there have been suggestions about banning age discrimination.)