Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have a cold right now. In the past five months I've gotten sick 3 times, in the 10 months I was in Sweden I only got sick once. Strange :S
With all the technological, medical, and scientific advancements we have made as human, you would think we would have a cure for the common cold, right? We can put man in space, perform open-heart surgery, and reconstruct a person's face, but we can't stop coughing and running noses?


Anonymous said...

Jo, du har faktiskt en poäng. Det är lite underligt.

Anonymous said...

It is not so much that it is not possible to cure, it is more a question of not using too much medicines and drugs as well as of money. There are loads of different versions of the "common cold", hence it is not very much easier to treat than HIV/AIDS. Also, if we do treat it, the side effects and the increased survivability of different bacteria will make life even worse.